Wednesday, December 16, 2015

One thing that was interesting in the poetry unit was "louder than a bomb." All them kids had some good talent. Some information that I can use in the future is I can learn how to make a better poem than I ever did. All the poems in louder than a poem inspire me to write a poem and I did do it. Like a never thought about writing a poem ever. When we watch that louder than a bomb video it made me think.It made me think about writing a poem down and make it some piece of art.

Friday, November 6, 2015

I really don't like the choice lecture it's really annoying. At first at our regular classes they was cool then when this lecture stuff came it was all confusing. Like it was good thing to go to any classes we wanted to but all them assignments we have to do for this lecture it was just crazy.

Monday, October 26, 2015

I'm about to write my school Design Lab. My school design lab is a building school we love to build stuff at our school. We are going to be the best school in the country. I'm positive that we are going to be a good school. I love designing at this school because I get from my dad. The teachers at this school are some good ones. You can learn so much at this school.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Yes I deserve that grade because I tried my best in all my classes and did all my assignments. I learned that my classes is different from my older schools. The classes here are some good classes because of the teacher. I learned that I could do this I can be a good student in this school. I'm going to use this knowledge everyday of my life. I don't know what I could different the past quarter probably work harder. From the teachers I would like to see excitement from the teachers or something. My teachers can help me with all my work when I have a problem with something. I think the quarter will be the same once I get use to it. I know I'm get good results because I know I can do it.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Right now in robotics we are knowing what tools we are using to make the robots.  What I hope to do in this robotics course is to finish building this robot.  We really  didn't take no steps because we just started building.  Yea we started building we only made to step to because we was reading the instructions on how to build a robot.  I enjoy my team aspect me and my partner are doing good so far. I could do this by myself but it would be a longer time to get it done.  With my partner it can be done faster.  I can read the steps in the manual in it will be easy.  Me and my partner have good communication skills that's how we work.  I thinks robotics is important because it prepares us to be good designers.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

 The Ingenuity Fest is a fest that is in Cleveland. There will be 40,000 people at the fest. I know that the kids of Design lab will be building seats for the people to seat there. The Ingenuity fest help Cleveland because a lot of kids and adults have amazing talent around Cleveland. Design Lab fit into The Ingenuity fest because it's all about Design that's what we do. The thing that we need to do for this design is teamwork because we need to be a team to be successful for this project. Everything is going to be exciting I like to build stuff I feel free when I do this. Yes I can't wait to for this project.

Friday, September 4, 2015

I like my experience at Design Lab was fun. Some specific things I like was the maker space. I like the maker space because I had the time to do whatever I wanted to do. I one thing I didn't like was my third period class,Ms.Farmer. Her class easy but I just hate doing the news in her class. One thing I would do is change that class so I don't want to do her class no more. The experience her is better at my other school because we can do more stuff here. I never did anything like this at this school. In the maker space we are learning how to use our hands and we always work on teamwork. It's important because we would know what to do already. Some things I encounter was to build pallets with my team mates. The maker space surprised me with all them tools and everything. You are conducting the school to get us ready for life.